Future, Present, Past

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V41

Waxing philosophically again on Sunshine Lane.

Recently I wrote about how we will never walk about the earth in the same way as the past, that our homes are different too. 

To continue, as I was watching the finale of “Making the Cut” I kept thinking about the concept of home. I kept pausing the show to jot things down. Funnily, as I was jotting, I imagined channeling Bert; she was at the time still in physical form.

For some, the circumstances of today have not changed much. For those of us who have had the fortune to flit about the world, our wings have been clipped. We’re not in Kansas anymore, we need a yellow brick road.

Some back story… I used to work on the home of the future, a home aided by new and coming technologies. There were clear trajectories for the concepts that our team created. We always started with human needs, either solving a problem or making enhancements. All was to be easily accessible and scale to the masses. The future we had designed to, is no more.

Until recently, I worked on the home of the present with an Airbnb in our basement. I loved creating user experiences for our guests. This also is no more.

I have joked about my next gig being the home of the past, imagining I might volunteer at an historic site. Again, this likely too is no more.

As I was watching Heidi and Tim, I had an epiphany that the time for the home of the past is Now. We talk about history repeating itself and, and in a sense, it has, simply different than I ever imagined. I’ll try and explain.

In 1900 and farther back, the world in which humans physically participated was relatively small, geographically. It was limited by access to transportation, especially $, and there were no jet planes, so it was slow going. While the greater world beyond was known about, it was rarely experienced.

Fast forward to 2020, in the developed world, until recently, those with means had the choice of how to participate in the world, through physical travel or in living rooms. We aren’t going to lose the living room part, but what it means to us is different. We are more dependent on what can be brought to us, a kind of reverse scaling. Location continues to matter more, our local resources will determine much of our experience, our survival.

We will still have access to the big world, having things shipped to us, the internet, etc, although we are tethered, geographically. Life will continue, cities and towns will still be there, but the way we experience them will be different. We will be asking, is it safe to go? Should we get on a plane?

With this sea change, we are defining a new future. The current circumstance has us retreating into our homes making our worlds again exceedingly small. We’re reevaluating whether we needed everything we had before, so much of it was based on ego and brainwashing. This is such a unique moment in time, an opportunity, a much-needed societal reboot. The past has a lot to offer, to help us understand how to live successfully, locally. I’m not saying we will all be homesteaders.

We will draw on past principals for values, discipline, emotional support… We are no longer impressing others with our material successes; our kids don’t care about that Prada bag. Depending upon their age they need our attention, to eat, or pay the rent. Now is the time to look inward to what truly matters. Many answers are in the past.

While it might be a painful transition, this is good for humanity and our Earth. Although I miss hugs.


Our daily 5-minute meditation. The waxing Moon is First Quarter.

Observe where your focus is now. How does it feel? If we want a new result focus on something different. We know the power of our mind; use it.


Be here now, pay attention and feel any newness.
This is our time to contemplate our existence.
Be here now.
Pay attention to the waves of our breath.
With each breath give thanks to our body from our toes to our head.
The expansion is coming be patient with the reveal.

Future, Present, Past