Rest in Peace Bert Berty Bird

We are sad today. Berty died in the wee hours this morning. She was really struggling last night, she kept falling onto her back injuring herself further, unable to turn over. I held her for a long time feeling her tiny heartbeat. The last time I set her in her cage she gave a few weak chirps. She just wanted to be free. I brought her outside and set her under the big fir trees in a spot that has always felt like a fairy kingdom. She drank a little, scooted a bit and then sat. I said goodbye and went to bed to have hummingbird dreams. She was a little fairy and rests under a carpet of beautiful flowers.

I am grateful for our time together, and that Ruby could share it. It was truly magical, although not the fairytale ending we had hoped for. This was a once in a lifetime experience for us all. We’ll likely see again Berty out of the corners of our eyes flitting about in the fairy kingdom.

It’s ok to be sad.


Our daily 5-minute meditation.

Waxing moon increasing in light the First Quarter Moon is tomorrow.


Our theme today is “Welcome and Release”. Welcome our best intentions with no attachment to how they show up. Listen carefully to our higher will, surrender to change for the best and highest good. See our ego, and release what we can shake off and make peace with what we can’t. If met with muddled thinking, imagine moving up and the confusion falling away, leaving us only with our vision. Now is the time to embody letting go and Welcome – balanced spirit, emotion, and intellect. Be in alignment and create a flow towards our intentions.


We step in and see ourselves in our vision.