marketing peace

In a discussion forum pointing to this video, one person noted how each generation is trained to hate some enemy, and it’s usually religiously based.

This topic deserves a deeper contemplation, although here are initial thoughts…

What’s great about today is the opportunity for global exposure to otherwise foreign cultures and religions.

However the new exposure challenges established doctrines which in turn challenges who we are. Following doctrines is habitually easier than opening our consciousness to explore other ways of being.

Established doctrines are often not current in meeting the demands of modern day, straining its relevance. Unfortunately leaders sometimes meet this challenge by promoting fear in order to keep power (as we are naturally selfish), rather than using it as an opportunity to deepen or broaden faith in their followers.

On the flip side, personal experiences that connect people in new ways may move us forward beyond previously established boundaries.

As far as the video goes, this may be a marketing scheme, but I welcome all marketing schemes that promote peace and connection to our global community. Bring on more ads like this please.


marketing peace


outline in progress

Before I leave this earth I want to make a positive impact on the future. Because of the complexities of today, the best way I can think of to help us prepare for the future is to encourage connection with our moral centers.  I love storytelling and making connections and want to inspire through sharing my experiences, observations, what I think about, struggle with and aspire to.



The attention toward Natural User Interface as the next big fascination is passé in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong this is something we should work toward, although so far it’s been under delivered.

Years ago we realized the continuation of increasing computational power, sophisticated software, and the miniaturization of mechanics would bring great advancements. With these developments we envisioned sensors and other tech embedded in everyday things bridging the gap between the digital and physical worlds, and the promise of NUI as we interacted. It was wonderful to ponder and discuss all its potential.

So far however in terms of NUI today, we humans are doing the majority of adapting.

Sure we currently have gesture, touch, and voice control, but they’re within certain parameters. We’re still either walking up to a screen or pulling one out of our pockets to do the interacting. Sure Google’s Glass has the potential for bringing us one step closer.  But we’re still going to have to adapt to them as people stare at us with a range of expressions from wide eyed curiosity and contempt.

Continued pumping of NUI’s promise in light of where we are today feels like putting lipstick on a pig.


shaping vs. predicting

Whose job is it to shape the future?

The newly proposed SASM Institute wants to be an innovation launch pad for Science and Art projects using the power of Social Media.

The article Can Futurists shape the Future?  describes the intentions of the organization. In a discussion forum I’m part of about the article, the ethical question was asked about whether it was appropriate for futurists to shape the future vs predict it.

My bias…Individuals and organizations throughout history and the world today are shaping the future through their bias. And those on the other side are responding with their bias.

The future will happen whether we consciously participate in its creation or not. Not participating seems like a negligent response.

If we can imagine a future based on what we believe will be technically possible it’s important to discuss it, including the social implications. Creative exploration with imagined technologies will only broaden the possibilities.

Too often technologies and behaviors are introduced before there has been enough time for people contemplate and socialize them. Western society especially gets caught in a trend trap that has them quickly adopting things before understanding their long term implications. Take the issues with gene patenting going on presently.

Using the climate as another example, there are plenty of predictive tools looking at data today predicting global warming. How people respond to the information depends on their bias. Some focus on the cause, blame, prevention, adapting, denying, profit… Biases are usually self-serving; it’s human nature.

Imagining and shaping the future is everyone’s business; not just futurists.

shaping vs. predicting


Selected topics from May…

On Being
Krista Tippett radio interview: A Shift to Humility: Andrew Zolli on Resilience and Expanding the Edge of Change

Stamp-On Circuits Could Put Your Phone On Your Finger
Transistors. Resistors. Capacitors. Inductors. Diodes. RF antennas. Inductive coils. Lithium ion batteries. These are the components of microprocessors, wireless communications, and energy storage. Today you’ll find them in your phone. Tomorrow, you may wear them right on your body.

Coca-Cola Small World Machines – Bringing India & Pakistan Together
In March 2013, Coca-Cola set out to break down barriers and create a simple moment of connection between two nations — India and Pakistan. The initiative “Small World Machines” provided a live communications portal between people in India and Pakistan and showed that what unites us is stronger than what sets us apart.

Xbox 360’s Kinect causes trouble for users during next-gen livestream reveal
Xbox 360 Kinect owners had some trouble today watching Microsoft’s Xbox One reveal due to device’s response to “Xbox” commands spoken during the livestream.
Several users took to Twitter to document their problems, which included pausing, opening Xbox Live or quitting the stream entirely. Polygon’s own reviews editor Arthur Gies experienced similar problems with his Kinect while watching the stream.

This article has a thread of over 100 comments on Linked in wonder why?…
“We are living in an age of networks, not hierarchies, knowledge and wisdom is distributed rather than concentrated among gray hairs.” This quote appeared in the May 2011 issue of Fast Company under the title of “Life In Beta: A Case For Changing The Way We View Mentors” by Anna Kamenetz.

Can Futurists shape the Future?
Jules Verne first started the futurology movement around 150 years ago by predicting amazing future technologies in science fiction classics such as Journey to the Centre of the Earth and Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea. Ever since, futurology has evolved and expanded in terms of reach, popularity, diversity, social application and scientific vision. 

Four Out of 10 Recent College Grads are Underemployed, New Accenture Research Finds
Young workers want more training but employers disappoint. NEW YORK; April 30, 2013 – U.S. employers are underutilizing the capabilities of young, college-educated workers, according to new research by Accenture (NYSE: ACN) that reveals that 41 percent of workers who graduated from college in the past two years say they are underemployed and working in jobs that do not require their college degrees. The research also reveals that, despite their degrees, nearly two-thirds (63 percent) say they will need more training in order to get their desired job.


creative assessment

The above image shows five dispositions associated with creativity. The image is taken from an *OECD Creativity Working Paper, Progression in Student Creativity in School: First steps towards new forms of formative assessment.

The paper attempts to define and assess creativity. The result is that learners can display the full range of their creative dispositions in a wide variety of contexts.

The image was introduced to a discussion forum I’m part of with the question “Is it your opinion that the characteristics represented in this wheel also apply to strategic foresight?”  My response…This absolutely applies to strategic foresight. It addresses the softer side of strategy which isn’t always easily articulated. So much attention in the past has been paid to the quantitative and analytical aspects of strategy; which I consider infrastructure.

As time moves forward and more infrastructures are in place, the softer more qualitative aspects of strategy will become more valuable. We’re already seeing this with valued attention towards user experience, for which these qualities are key.

At the very least this provides a framework perspective worth reviewing.

The Five Creative Dispositions Model (taken directly from the paper)

The five dispositions on which we decided to focus were arrived at after careful weighing up of the pros and cons of existing lists of creative dispositions in the light of our criteria. Our model explored the following five core dispositions of the creative mind:1.

Clearly creative individuals are good at uncovering and pursing interesting and worthwhile questions in their creative domain.

  • Wondering and questioning – beyond simply being curious about things, the questioning individual poses concrete questions about things. This enables him, and others, to think things through and develop new ideas.
  • Exploring and investigating – questioning things alone does not lead to creativity. The creative individual acts out his curiosity through exploration, and the investigating individual follows up on her questions by actively going out, seeking, and finding out more.
  • Challenging assumptions – a degree of appropriate scepticism is an important trait of the creative individual. This means not taking things at face value without critical examination.

In line with Thomas Edison’s remark above, this section has been repeatedly emphasized.

  • Sticking with difficulty – persistence in the form of tenacity is an important habit of mind enabling an individual to get beyond familiar ideas and come up with new ones.
  • Daring to be different – creativity demands a certain level of self-confidence as a pre-requisite for sensible risk-taking as well as toleration of uncertainty.
  • Tolerating uncertainty – being able to tolerate uncertainty is important if an individual is going to move ‘off of the starting blocks’ on a project or task where actions or even goals are not fully set out.3.

At the heart of a wide range of analyses of the creative personality is the ability to come up with imaginative solutions and possibilities.

  • Playing with possibilities – developing an idea involves manipulating it, trying it out, improving it.
  • Making connections – this process of synthesising brings together a new amalgam of disparate things.
  • Using intuition – the use of intuition allows individuals to make new connections and arise at thoughts and ideas that would not necessarily materialise given analytical thinkingalone.4.

Many current approaches to creativity, such as that of John-Steiner (2006), stress the social and collaborative nature of the creative process.

  • Sharing the product – this is about the creative output itself impacting beyond its creator.
  • Giving and receiving feedback – this is the propensity to want to contribute to the ideas of others, and to hear how one’s own ideas might be improved.
  • Cooperating appropriately – the creative individual co-operates appropriately with others.  means working collaboratively as needed, not necessarily all the time.5.

As a counterbalance to the ‘dreamy’, imaginative side of creativity, there is a need for knowledge and craft in shaping the creative product and in developing expertise.

  • Developing techniques – skills may be established or novel but the creative individual will practise in order to improve. This is about devoting time to a creative endeavour.
  • Reflecting critically – once ideas have been generated, evaluation is important. We could call this ‘converging’. It requires decision-making skills.
  • Crafting and improving – this relates to a sense of taking pride in one’s work. The individual pays attention to detail, corrects errors, and makes sure the finished article works perfectly, as it should.

The below image details the relevance of the rings which are associated with skill level.

*disclaimer- I only scanned the 46 page paper


creative assessment


NFFTY 2013 Festival is April 25 – 28th

And guess what it’s held in Seattle, so come on down!

The mission of NFFTY (National Film Festival for Talented Youth) is to enable, nurture, promote and encourage the next generation of filmmakers to inspire, lead and entertain the world with their stories.

Growing up digital- the current youth are the first generation where digital tools for creation have become second nature. Removing the barriers between tools and expression allows artistic freedom. There is nothing like the enthusiasm, optimism, creativity and freshness of youth. Films are a beautiful medium for that expression.

To paraphrase my husband Tom… films are the most important art form of the 20th century because they are a synthesis of all the other art forms.

Please support NFFTY

p.s. There are still volunteer opportunities for this years’ festival.

p.p.s. I was a judge this year and there are some great films.



Oh no, you shouldn’t share that, people might think you’re human and we wouldn’t want that…

My intention with this blog is be respectfully honest while painting an accurate picture of my sentiments and *experiences.

The site as a whole should speak for itself. If potential collaborators don’t find an overall net positive with what they find, we are not likely meant for each other.

I’m interested in the boundaries and intersections of our work/life balance. There was a time not so long ago when our work and private lives were separated by 8 hour blocks of time. Does anyone even have a private life anymore? “Private” has been replaced with “Social”. And because we are continually connected we have only moments of separation between our work and social lives.

It’s 2013 and it’s not business as usual, breaking free from old patterns of thinking and archaic social behaviors are part of our brave new world.

*Shit and stupidity happen, i.e.: depression and rum on a roof at 19.


positively depressed

:v)    ;-{    :- (   :- /    >:)    :-p    :0)

Some behaviors and strengths we’re just born with. I was born an eternal optimist with positivity being one of my strengths. So when I found myself faced with deep depression I was sure something had changed in me chemically or biologically. The main cause ended up being a gene mutation; figuring it out was a long hard road.
The good news… I am now happily for the most part depression free.

While we are all unique, some may identify with my experience. It is my hope that sharing my story will help others.

I started developing seasonal depression in my late 30’s and just lived with it for many years. As time went on other symptoms including headaches and achiness crept in. I came very close to asking for anti-depressants a few times, but in my gut I felt that would only be treating the symptom and not the cause. I wanted to know the source and then decide how to treat it. My first attempt at getting to the bottom of it was a variety of blood tests, and a neurological evaluation including an MRI. The only thing that was abnormal was a very low vitamin D level. I started taking D and it improved my symptoms for many years.

When perimenopause hit, I spiraled down again. It was so bad I felt like walking in front of a bus. This time my short term memory was also impaired and I had difficulty working. I couldn’t be objective about what was going on. I thought quitting my job would help, it didn’t; it worsened. My positivity inadvertently masked my condition, as those around me couldn’t see it. Yes this is strange. I was living a paradox of being positively depressed.

Needing to do something, I worked both internally and with my MD to try and get to the root. Here’s what I tried that helped: Exercising regularly, losing weight, cutting out wheat, vitamins, counseling, meditation and estrogen. While these helped, it was not enough and my new normal was just ok, I was missing Joy with any regularity.

Further testing showed I was heterozygous (positive) for the MTHFR A1298C gene mutation. The mutation inhibits the ability to convert folic acid/folate from the food we eat to L-methylfolate in the brain.  L-methylfolate is necessary for at least 3 neurotransmitters: Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and Dopamine. The mutation is common in those with depression and memory impairment among other maladies. L-methylfolate in the brain also decreases with age, possibly why depression hit me hard at perimenopause. One treatment is to take L-methylfolate considered a medical food. I have been taking Deplin a L-methylfolate since last December and am mostly depression free, Yippee! (Ok 88% depression free).

Throughout this experience I spent a lot of time thinking about consciousness and what constitutes wellbeing. I came to the conclusion that there are at least 4 factors that contribute to a person’s physical and psychological wellbeing. Specifically: genetics, environment, personal beliefs, and life stage.

  • Genetics- the kit we are born with.
  • Environment- including the way we were raised, diet, education, exercise, work environment, community…
  • Personal beliefs- how we view ourselves and humanity, our contribution and personal practices.
  • Life stage- at different phases of our lives we want different things. Sometimes we want to ride the dragons…or slay all the dragons…watch dragons being slayed…or don’t give a shit about dragons.

As we all know when we don’t have our health, nothing is any good. With depression our view of the world becomes tiny and insular.  It made me quit my dream job, for which I am saddened to this day. While I wouldn’t want to go through this again it did help me align with my moral center and what I value most, for that I am grateful.

With joy we ride the wave of fortune and our command of the world is boundless. Here’s to riding big waves!


*Addendum, 8/22/14- I have occasional depression/anxiety breakthroughs every few months; don’t know why, just do. I am however much improved from 3 years ago.  I also switched supplements and now take HomocysteX Plus from Seeking health, it has 5-MTHF and B vitamins for better absorption.

positively depressed


Trends from April 2013…

Innovation and the future of universities
It is widely accepted that creativity and innovation are more than ever before the key resource for individuals and societies. Innovation is now the main avenue towards job creation and economic growth and the only route to a sustainable future.

There’s A Critical Difference Between Creativity And Innovation
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding creativity and innovation. “Creative types,” in particular, claim that creativity and innovation can’t be measured. Performance, however, demands measurement

You Lookin’ at Me? Reflections on Google Glass.
by Jan Chipchase.  There is but one remedy for the Glass wearer — a bucket of ice water in the face whenever you suspect he has taken you unawares…

Never Mind Facebook; Winklevoss Twins Rule in Digital Money
The Winklevii, as they are known, have amassed since last summer what appears to be one of the single largest portfolios of the digital money…

Innovation For Dummies
Why being too smart, isn’t too smart. The infinitely quotable—and really smart—Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

Biological transistor enables computing within living cells, study says
A team of Stanford University bioengineers has taken computing beyond mechanics and electronics into the living realm of biology…

Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics
Whether human genes can be patented.

What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland’s School Success
The Scandinavian country is an education superpower because it values equality more than excellence.

Swarm of Robots Could be Future of Medicine and Military, Researcher Says
British researchers are currently developing robot swarms that could ultimately lead to a better understanding of how a group of machines could work together in order to fulfill any given task …

New Interface Allows Humans to Move a Rat’s Tail With Their Thoughts
In what might be the first documented case of technologically-assisted interspecies telepathy, an international team of researchers has successfully created a non-invasive brain-to-brain interface that allows humans to make a rat move involuntarily…

Fancy that hat Rihanna’s wearing on TV? Shazam wants to help you track it down
The company behind the hugely popular smartphone tool is turning its focus on viewers’ consumption with a ‘one-click’ information service…

Now My Kinect Can Tell Me If I’m Depressed With 90% Accuracy
Kinect may not still be the end-all must have device in the living room for the gamer set but it is still being used for something much more interesting…
