I had thought that by now I would be ready to develop a plan for my next income generation; but not yet.
Since leaving my job I have been happy, sad, and in between. Some things are going very well, I’ve been exercising regularly and have lost 25 pounds. However, I am still working on releasing some undesirable habits etc.
My goal is to maintain a consistent level of joy and to know the warning signs so I don’t end up joyless again. This requires more…work.
There are at least 3 factors that contribute to a person’s physical and psychological wellbeing; specifically- genetics, environment, and life stage. I’m working with them all. Genetics- the kit we are born with. Environment- including the way we were raised, diet, education, exercise, work environment, community… Life stage- there are times when we want to slay all the dragons, or watch dragons being slayed, or ride the dragons, or don’t give a shit about dragons; *honor your life stage.
I have time and so am taking it.
*fucking menopause