The Sunshine Observer: SO… V51
Dear Mother’s,
To all of you, in every realm, to Mother Earth,
We thank you for the life you support, the love you give, and the beauty you are.
We Love you to the Moon and back.
– your children
Dear Children,
Thank you for being you.
For loving yourselves relentlessly so that you may greet the world through Love.
For seeing culture for what it is, an expression of society. And using it to connect to people, not dictate your lifestyle.
Keep calling bullshit on anything that doesn’t come from Love.
Big smoochy kiss.
– your mother
p.s. a random call now and again would be appreciated. oxo
Onto our daily 5-minute meditation. Waning Moon decreasing in light is now Disseminating.
This meditation is from the principles of the Four-Fold Way developed by Angeles Arrien.
Show up
Pay Attention
Speak your Truth
Release attachment to outcome