living the myth

An excellent NYT article “Why Gender Equality Stalled” reviews where we are now with regards to the “The Feminine Mystique” and our lack of concrete political proposals that change the status of women. The article highlights complicated issues including how the US has come in last with regards to work-family policies when compared to 20 other first world countries.  Among the reasons for our stalled inequality is “our political and economic institutions lag way behind our personal ideals”. Much of it stems from what we pretend to value yet don’t support. The issue is less about feminism and from my perspective more about complications of being human. About this I have opinions…

Our media encourages unattainable lifestyles regardless of who you screw over to get there. While it’s possible to have it all, it’s not probable. This faux aspiration manifests dis-satisfaction, struggle, and chaos within the masses.

Chaos is unfortunately big business. The exploitation of weaknesses for profit is common practice for the few who are gaining and maintaining super-sized wealth; meanwhile stupidizing the majority.

Greed is only part of the problem. It’s human nature to create, push and stretch. This gets us into trouble by creating bad habits including wanting more, or to be the best, or… If we remind ourselves we have a choice with how we respond to media and societal pressures, we may find the ability to connect with our moral centers and make choices that encourage a “we” vs. “me” society. Only then will we be able to develop policy that benefits the status of everyone.

living the myth