Ack, 5 days into the new year and I’ve concluded my first intention for the coming year isn’t realistic. Initially it was to “Not have ill will towards any person, to always start from Love.”
I’m noticing however, that while I can stop myself from having ill will, within the first few seconds I go to a place of fear-based judgment. For example, it usually starts with “if only they…” …had a better diet, stayed out of others business, weren’t so hateful towards, wore pants that looked better, weren’t blindly tied to … So many of my initial responses are culturally based.
I have worked a lot on my spiritual and moral development and too often find myself fighting with human nature, in this case accepting it is human nature to judge. Everything is a judgment, (the sky is blue, the kitty is soft…). Rather than beat myself up about it, I’m changing my intention to “Pay attention to thoughts and actions.” Especially the motivation, are they from Love or Fear.
Any ideas for staying present with our thoughts are welcome.