The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:97
Why we are here and divided: This is a perspective not a solution. We’re not ready for a solution. Our moral imperative wants us to act, but how can we when we don’t understand the problem?
In 2007 we had a sea change. We’ve been in a trance ever since. It really started earlier in the 90’s when cell phones and the internet became tools for the masses. But in 2007 with combined powers, we could now connect with people and information from anywhere. A societal phenomenon was born. Its parents became absent.
The phenomenon is now 16 years old, and a raging teenager felt all over the world. Its mind is full, but there is a lack of maturity. It’s rude and we’ve allowed it.
After it’s birth, much of society and governing powers continued with business as usual. The opportunists among us have been having a field day. Unfortunately, it’s shaping the world into a reactionary mess, with continual misdirection, finger pointing, and no clear sign of who’s steering the ship.
The old governmental structures are flooded with the rush of potential and exploitation. I liken it to a one-bedroom septic system trying to meet the needs of a city. Shits flowing everywhere. The lower floors are drowning. The enormity of change needed is beyond most.
Back to the moral imperative. Currently the focus of blame for our mess is on our political structure. Yes, it no longer serves the majority, but the problem goes deeper. The American dream is still alive, but it’s principals come from last century. This dream is based upon materialism. Having more is having it all. It’s a dream for an individual, not a society.
Our roles in the world are much more complicated than before 2007. We are holding and tracking a lot, much is unimportant, and it’s paralyzing. We may feel a strong set of values, but our actions say otherwise. We easily lie to ourselves and continually wonder what is true. We live in cognitive dissonance.
Societies collective consciousness is 16. Who is this 16-year-old? Searching for a place to belong, to be seen, a place of meaning, place to feel loved. The established systems may be giving all they can, but there’s not enough Love felt. As far as our political structures are concerned, I believe we need to throw the baby out with the bath water. It carries too much baggage.
There isn’t a connecting vision in the country. The Republicans created an effective one “Make America Great Again” It identifies both a problem and desire. It comes with a promise of something different regardless of the details. A new start. The Dem’s didn’t offer this.
Who are we, what do we stand for, what are our beliefs as a country, a world, as humans? Before we can build solutions, or create a vision, we need to stretch our minds to other perspectives. Thanks for listening to mine.
Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.
The waxing first quarter moon increases in light moving toward gibbous. Stay in the flow, step over fear, no scab picking. We are changing and change disturbs fear and our murky depths. Don’t judge it, just hear it, feel it, sit with it. Part of our truth is our shadow. Try not to fix anything; we are perfectly imperfect. We are the magicians of our life, formations conceived from love will succeed.
Still waters run deep
Observe them
The moon, she is split
Shadow and light
Toward illumination