
The Sunshine Observer: SO… V46

This is Pino doing his morning exercises. He runs back and forth across the house, it’s the cutest thing. He started this routine a year and a half ago when recovering from a car accident that damaged him badly. He was then a city kitty. He walked with a limp for a long time. Regardless he tried to run, although at first he limped after 2 steps. He kept at it and after about 5 months he was his speedy self again with no limps. He does this daily, keeping his kitten figure. He spends most of his time in doors. In the city he had cars to contend with. In the country, its lions, and tigers, and bears…

Practical Life

Today I went off island, also known as state side, for the first time in 66 days. I put on my armor, stayed present, and all went well. However, I skipped the first store, WinCo, because of the 50-person line to get in. I breezed over and into Costco, with surprising few shoppers there. Then slid into Trader Joe’s, and Fred Meyer. Grabbed a burger at Mikie’s, with curbside service, then back to the ferry and home by 7:30. The larder is full, it better be, I spent $500. The only thing I couldn’t find on my list was feline pine cat litter. Not bad, considering how weird things are.

Everything is put away and now time for some rest, aka TV.


Our daily 5-minute meditation. The Moon will be full Thursday.


Gratitude is easy when we see the beauty in all things great and small.
 Acknowledge the beauty everywhere, thank it.


waiting for the wisdom sweet, sweet wisdom
in gratitude we wait
