
The Sunshine Observer: SO… V38

Ruby left for Seattle today, boo. We had a great week quarantining together. She continued to work while she was here. In the mornings I would wake up to her singing to her Montessori class as she zoomed with them. She teaches primary students which range in age from 2 ½ – 6 years. She also gave individual lessons with a few of the kids each day. I would hear their interactions. A few of kids practiced reading, another geography, and one practiced writing. The writer wanted to make a list of tools because they were making a playhouse and their Dad. They ran out of things to put on the list so Ruby started making suggestions. She suggested “nails” the kid said emphatically, “why would we use nails?” Turns out they had used screws. It was funny at the time.  After work was done, we sat around and played games and puzzled the entire week as Bert looked on. We also took walks and worked in the garden, because we can only sit for so long…

As soon as Ruby left, I cleaned like a mad woman. A typical reaction to deflect the grief. Tom helps, Berty helps, Pino helps. But still, boo.

You may be wondering why Berty hasn’t flown away? She has a bum right wing, fingers crossed it heals. The good news is she can feed herself, sort of, if the food is in front of her. We still need to check on her a lot because we find her on her back a lot. Boo.


Our daily 5-minute meditation. Waxing toward first quarter.


We balance and adjust as the moon continues to illuminate our truth.
Ditch the party line.
Find the light.
