The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:74
This picture is from the Kohlwes dike on sunlight beach down the hill from us. It borders the Salish Sea and is 1 of the 3 dikes protecting the Useless Bay wetlands.
Practical Life
It was a chilly morning, 54 degrees in the house. Tom made a lovely fire before I got up so the living room would be cozy. We’re trying not to turn the heat on until the vents get cleaned Tuesday. We had a small mouse problem. We think they’re gone, although don’t want to breathe any potential waste coming from the vents. Our resident hunter is slacking.
We worked on the paths in the wetland again. We use a hedge trimmer and weed wacker to clear. I think previous owners used a scythe; we found an ancient one in the creepy garage. After clearing we lay a new foundation with sticks and wood chips, making a cushy walkway. During the summer it is near impossible to keep the paths clear because of the forever growth. Nature always takes back what it can. At this time of year however it’s very satisfying work because the paths will stay until spring.
I picked the last of the cucumbers, it was sad to see them end. Onto over wintering vegetables.
Times are weird. Introspection is necessary.
Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.
The waxing moon increases in light moving toward Gibbous. On Sunshine Lane, the Moon sets at 12:07 am 237⁰ WSW, and rises at 3:56 pm 120⁰ ESE.
Yesterday was the first quarter moon, evenly split between light and dark. Now is a good time to make decisions and act in alignment with our intentions.
Stay in the flow, step over fear.
Imagine the beauty of your vision.