It’s a rainy day on the lane. Its good to not have to water. I went to the Saturday market for supplies, each week more vegies are available. I love this time of year. I ran into a woman carrying an adorable 8-month-old Wallaby; although walked away wondering why?
Pinky Series
In 2012, Pinky came out again, this time honestly it was because I was depressed and looking for anything that would bring joy. I also thought about how looks are deceiving and what if a character who looked like Pinky could do PSA’s about helping humanity through kindness. Jordan was always up for goofiness, so a mentorship program was born. It was to be a humorous approach but didn’t hit the bar. Attached are Pinky’s Vision and the first of the mentor videos. We did a bunch of short videos too many sucked, so I canned them. Luckily, we had fun making them.
Onto our 5-minute meditation.
Waning moon moves from Last Quarter towards Balsamic.
The dark pushes. The window is shutting.
It’s OK to leave old ways behind. Don’t dwell, embrace what you have with gratitude. Balance from Love.
I went through my postcard card collection this morning randomly putting addresses on them. It was fun to think about the places we’ve been. Out in the yard I found an old bird bath that came with the property and set it out for the locals. It’s joyous to watch a bird take a bath.
Pinky Series
Yesterday I dipped into my digital archives and found a series of Pinky Ramirez videos. This is the first in the series: Everyday I see my dream, AKA Sexy and I know it.
A shout out to Ruby who shot all the video for every Pinky shoot. Clearly driving her to be a schoolmarm. A nunnery was a close second, but we’re not Catholic.
Pinky was born in Port Townsend at a garage sale late last century. We were looking for costumes for a talent show and I found a splendiferous spandex onesie. I knew it had to be the base for a guy, thinking Richard Simmons, or a metrosexual from Queens. My brother in law convinced me the latter was the better gag. I remember how puzzled people were, as I stayed in character, always. Many avoided Pinky, he could be creepy.
That same year I wore Pinky to the Ching Fling and a few other events. I was fascinated by people’s responses, especially when I was around those who didn’t know me. At one event, someone said people were taking bets on whether I was a guy or not. At this time, I glued on hair from a wig for his mustache and chest. I remember all the pretty girls under 30 wanted nothing to do with Pinky.
While I enjoyed being a momentary voyeur, I put Pinky in the closet because the newness of the persona wore off. It started feeling like normal behavior, and while yes there is this Pinky in me, it’s a tiny part, more of a cultural experiment, and for laughs.
A few years later, I pulled him out again and got my friends in on the gag. We created RMLTD, Real Men Living the Dream. A spoof on LMFAO. Many laughs were had. Then, back in the closet he went.
Onto our 5-minute meditation.
Waning moon moves from Last Quarter towards Balsamic
We go into the heavy thick darkness that weighs us down, that suffers. Sit with it, don’t criticize. Allow it to exist, to be. Through allowing we release its grip. It won’t be controlled, or it will control us. Ease comes from seeing all is not light. See its ugliness. Hear it howling. It too wants Love. Unconditional Love.
Nature is in a fast-growing cycle right now; we are trying to keep up. We’re slowly gardening, planting seeds, weeding, mowing, watering. One might think our vegetable garden is huge given how I write about planting corn and what not, but its relatively small compared to many country gardens with just 6 beds. Our flower garden is larger.
We zoomed with friends yesterday and spoke about how hard it is to read anything of substance at this time. Another friend who is part of a book reading group with me said she was happy to be brushing her teeth at this point. We’re reading “Anatomy of the Spirit”. One of the premises is the biography becomes biology, which brings us to the topic “Wellbeing”
The past few days I’ve felt like I have molasses in my veins. Not particularly inspired, not depressed, just slow. So, I went into my archives and brought out a formula for wellbeing I’ve shared many times. BTW- While in the archives I found a bunch of questionable videos I’ll reshare soon.
I often think about consciousness. Much of our happiness is tied to our perception of how things are. We tell ourselves the story of who we are, the role of culture and where we fit in. Changing our perceptions and paying attention to all that affects us can bring us closer to well-being.
Beliefs– how we view ourselves and humanity, our contribution, and personal practices as well as our mental constructs. Our innate need to belong has us subscribe to belief systems that mold our thinking. Lest we forget, we make up culture and what we choose to be certain of.
Genes and DNA- the kit we are born with, our building blocks for physical and biological potential.
Environment– including the way we were raised, diet/supplements/chemicals, our homes, technology, education, exercise, clothing, work, culture, community…
Life stage– at different phases of our lives we want and are capable of different things. Sometimes we want to ride the dragons…be the dragons…slay all the dragons…watch dragons being slayed…or don’t give a shit about dragons.
Chemistry– everything we do relies on neurons communicating with one another in the brain by sending chemical or electrical messages. If there is a miscommunication, we may feel or be one putt away from the abyss.
Your list may be different. The point is, to pay attention to all the things that contribute to wellbeing, the trick is finding the right balance. Ignoring any part can have us spiral toward the abyss.
Gratitude is the greatest gift of well-being. When I’m spontaneously Grateful, everything in my existence is joyous.
Onto our 5-minute meditation.
Waning moon decreasing in light is now Third Quarter
Find the center between spirit, intellect, and emotion. Align our will with Love. Go in Grace.
Oh beautiful one a wink a smile liberates sees forgiveness
The big news today is Ruby turned 26! How is this possible? She was always the baby of our friends’ group. She is a delightful person and we are lucky to have her in our lives. Looking forward to the next time we can hug her. oxo
Waning Moon decreasing in light is almost third quarter.
Where are we now? You know the truth. Accept that much of what we encounter isn’t ours, so move past or through it. Burn down any residual stuck bullshit. Freedom is accepting the unknown.
The past is the past. What matters is now. Allow for now. Mind your own mind.
Sun, rain, and wind here on Useless Bay today. I swore I would not dig anymore sod, but it happened. A 2’ x 10’ trench for beans to grow vertically under a small deck. Now things hurt. We still have 12 resident quail living in the blackberries. We’re waiting for babies. I found a white egg in the lawn, no idea whose it is, looks quail size but not spotted. Tom bought a 1”x 12”- 4’ long board, it cost $47, WTF. He’s making Ruby a shelf to set across her bath tub to use while she’s tubbing.
Thinking about social media challenges. I tend not to participate. A few weeks ago, I received 4 email requests to send recipes to strangers. I ignored them. I would however be happy to send a recipe to a friend should they ask or send me one. The requests came within 2 days of each other, from people who aren’t connected. This made me think about how quickly things spread. This is good and bad. What if it was bad information? Another reason to question everything.
So, you know how you think about people all the time, but don’t reach out? Yesterday I found myself thinking about a friend, appreciating how they enjoy life at full throttle. I decided to send them a text letting them know. It felt great.
I have one for y’all. This one tests our bravery to show positive emotions towards others.
The challenge is to connect to people you care about and tell them something you like about them; and here is the clincher, do it privately. Through email, text message or better yet USPS mail. Send one a day. And not to me, cause, well, that would feel weirdly self-serving. Anyway, like me, you probably have about a million postcards from past trips. Employ them for good will tidings. How to choose who goes first? Throw a bunch of names in a hat and pick one a day. Or take a bunch of cards and put addresses on them and pick one a day to write the personal note.
In a nutshell, I’m asking you to tell people you love them in whatever shape feels right. oxo
Onto our 5-minute meditation.
Waning moon decreasing in light moving toward Third Quarter.
All is mind. See our oneness with the Universe. Every thought, feeling, and action reflects the great mystery. Think big. We are one.
Wear Love from the inside, Let it radiate outward bright and transparent.
Dear Mother’s, To all of you, in every realm, to Mother Earth, We thank you for the life you support, the love you give, and the beauty you are. We Love you to the Moon and back. – your children
Dear Children, Thank you for being you. For loving yourselves relentlessly so that you may greet the world through Love. For seeing culture for what it is, an expression of society. And using it to connect to people, not dictate your lifestyle. Keep calling bullshit on anything that doesn’t come from Love. Big smoochy kiss. – your mother
p.s. a random call now and again would be appreciated. oxo
Onto our daily 5-minute meditation. Waning Moon decreasing in light is now Disseminating.
This meditation is from the principles of the Four-Fold Way developed by Angeles Arrien.
Show up Pay Attention Speak your Truth Release attachment to outcome
It’s the 50th issue of the Sunshine Observer. How did that happen? Honestly, I thought I might write a few until I realized I could pawn my meditations off on y’all with a little practical life update and preamble.
The daily updates started on March 16th on Facebook initially calling them “News from the Country”. My reason for writing in the first place was to bring something other than politics or the virus to social media. At that point we knew the virus was dangerous although didn’t have stay at home orders. We weren’t sure what to make of things, we’re still not sure but are getting used to the stationary chaos. We’ll probably start dating things B.C.V. Before Corona Virus since B.C. is already taken.
So here we are 50 days later. Looking at a beautiful sunshiny day. The videos are from March 16, and today. I hope you are all comforted that nature hasn’t stopped.
This is what I’m working on…
Instead of asking – what would Jesus, Buddha or Mohamad do? Embody them so there is no question about how to respond.
It is an 80-degree day, and the sun brought laziness. Tom and I meandered to the mailbox. The air felt soft and easy. There were 2 Love letters waiting for Mother’s Day and a sweet little watercolor from Ruby pictured here. We so rarely get or give handwritten cards, what a treat.
A friend came over and we had a good 6-foot chat sitting in the sunshine. We spoke about disinformation and how truth has many perspectives. Question everything. Beware of confirmation bias. Each of us has our own truth.
I planned to work in the yard all day. I managed to water but think I’ll continue reading Anatomy of the Spirit and draw a bit. I love being my own boss.
Our daily 5-minute meditation. The Moon still full, is slowly waning.
Imagine arriving at our vision, victorious. What gifts have we brought to share with the world?
Tom woke me at 5:30am to see the setting Moon, it was stunning. It’s impossible to not be in Love with this beautiful day. The garden is doing well, although we did transplant some seedlings a bit too early. The seedling we kept in the house are now 10 times the size of those planted outdoors. The executioner has nibbled at Raphael, the bean again. I’ve put up barriers, finger crossed they work.
As mentioned, I am a student of the Alchemy Mystery School. We study spiritual and metaphysical rituals, practices, and beliefs in cultures. One practice we have been exploring is healing through intention. It is based on the Power of Eight work of Lynne McTaggart. She creates intention experiments where groups of people spend a few minutes together (physically and virtually) focusing on a specific positive intention. There is almost always some benefit to both the giver and receiver. In a way its similar to a prayer, although instead of asking or wishing for something, we see the vision of the person, context or event as if it has happened. We envision the result.
Every month the Mystery School chooses an intention and together weekly we spend 15 minutes focused on an intention. It feels good to get out of our own heads and imagine others in their best circumstance. For the month of May, we are focusing on caregivers. Feel free to virtually join us at 7 tonight, or anytime. Below is our focus.
These intentions are for our caregivers. These include parents, siblings, friends, healthcare workers, food preppers, grocery workers, gardener’s, animals, the list goes on.
In recognition that we are in a sea change that challenges them (and us) to bring their best forward, sometimes releasing their shadow as they rise. This is a new journey for many that requires strength and will power to stay in a state of grace.
Our intentions are for the caregivers. To all on the front lines of supporting, nurturing, and healing life. That each immediately and permanently live with an abundance of Patience and Peace. That their thoughts and actions stem from the practice of Love. May they receive what fuels their spirits and in turn their bodies. With conscious Presence, may they find sanctuary in every moment, believing and envisioning a beautiful future grounded in Love. And that they be healthy and well in every way.
In summary, in gratitude for their service, we send them Peace, Patience, Presence, Nourishment, Health, Vision, Love and Hope.
Onto our daily 5-minute meditation.
The Moon is Full, in the peak of illumination.
The moon is eager to show a clear path to the heart. Bask in the light, peace be with you.
Yes, I see it in all its glory feel the optimism it is sharing welcome it like a dear friend
When I left Microsoft, I thought I would continue a career in technology, after taking a much-needed break. In 2013, I created a concept for a digital service that connected people with experiences. It combined the digital and physical worlds through a service linking people to mobile physical world guides who would take them to the places, similar to the way a guide for local tourism or a personal shopper would. This could be done using a combination of canned, unsupervised exploration and live interaction.
I made a few goofy prototype videos of scenarios, the one above is for virtual Sightseeing at the Zoo it features my granddaughter Camila who lives in Lisbon. She was 3 at the time, soon she will be 10! Here’s another for Shopping at Clover, all from the comfort of our couch.
I made a pitch to a local ideas group, but it didn’t go anywhere. It doesn’t scale in the way digital services usually do. That said, the concept feels appropriate for our current situation.
During my break after Microsoft, I slowly drew away from tech and focused on being human. I still think this is a cool idea. Today, I’d love to walk through the Fez Medina, or shop for linens in Lisbon, or visit a winery in southern France, or learn to cook in Italy…see the sunrise in… I know there are people out there who’d love to share their knowledge or the beauty of where they live…