Check the Crowd

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:86

Practical Life

Yesterday we walked the beach after cleaning the entire fridge and dumping half of its contents. One of those activities was marvelous.

Today was a great day for yardwork and clean up. In one of our sitting spots, I found a candle that had been chewed on both ends. Likely a rodent, my what large teeth marks they left.

Most of the outdoor activity was lopping down dead stuff, weeding, and planning for moving plants. We put our flower garden together in what felt like a hurry 3 years ago, and some of the perennials are not in the right spot.


Speaking of spots. When you find yourself rallying with others, it’s not a bad idea to check the crowd. If more than 8%  of the crowd are neo-Nazis’, you may want to ask yourself if you’re in the right spot. Physically and spiritually.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the moon. The moon is crescent today.


Our shadow is part of us. It will take all our attention given the chance.
The brighter our light, the less shadow there is.

Check the Crowd


The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:85

Practical Life

It’s amazing how topsy turvy life can feel without electricity for 36 hours. Routines become broken and we use our home differently. It’s good to shake things up. Then there is the fridge. According to the FDA a fridge will keep food cold for 4 hours, a freezer 48 hours, both if unopened. I checked the freezer as soon as the power came on and many things were unfrozen, although still cold. Time for a good cleaning.

The biggest aha of any power outage is how stuck we feel without the internet for entertainment and media.


Speaking of being stuck, many years ago I was in a meeting and was pointing out everything I didn’t like about whatever it was we were discussing. Someone said, ok, we get it; tell us what you do like? The question stopped me in my tracks. I could not bring myself to think about what I liked. My rational mind knew there were things I liked however the lens I was looking through only saw what was wrong. I was in an unconscious loop. This awakened something in me of how easy it is to become stuck.

When all we hear is the chanting of what’s wrong, it’s time to listen elsewhere. Especially when it comes to politics.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the moon. The waxing moon increases in light moving toward crescent


We continue a hero’s journey, grateful for our shadowy past, knowing it does not define us.  


Expand with the light.



The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:84

Sunday, I woke from a dream where I was rubbing Donald Trump’s feet and telling him everything was going to be all right. More about this in a bit.

I believe the current great work of humanity is to remember we are all One. This not easy work as we are living in the age of dis-information. It’s often difficult to track the truth, and so many of us rely on specific outlets we trust for our information. These outlets however create potential silos of information bias and manipulation. As time goes on, the tools and manipulation are more sophisticated. I’ve withdrawn from social media several times for short periods because I find it all very disturbing.

Intelligent loving beings that I know believe in things I find appalling and at times terrifying. Of course, not everything I see I disagree with which complicates matters. Regardless, we continue to see master manipulators use technologies to push an agenda. And often that agenda is to perpetuate chaos because information is Power.

Why do we believe what we believe?

Innate in all of us is a strong need to belong. It’s a wonderful feeling to be in harmony with others.  Many of us get this from the culture we’re raised in. Others choose different cultural beliefs systems, religions, political perspectives, etc. Society relies on the rules and prescriptive measures of organizations to thrive. It’s a double-edged sword though, when we put our faith into external entities, we lose an amount of autonomy and personal agency.

During the pandemic I’ve watched a bunch of cult documentaries, fascinated with why people do what they do. NXIVM, Scientology, Heavens Gate, Rajneesh (wild country), Mormonism … Many showed how easy it is to become seduced by an ideology, offering new ways of thinking that bring a feeling of empowerment and belonging. Although as an outsider, at some point I saw a moral line being crossed. In all cases there are those with power over others, the oppressed and the oppressors. Regardless, people stay in systems that abuse them. Control is paramount to the organizations success and fear is used regularly as a strategy to keep followers in line. These tactics are also true with mainstream religions. How far will we go for what we believe? All the wars fought in the name of God, the pedophilia, sexism, racism… We still confuse God with religion. To be clear, religion is culture.

Who are we without our belief systems? Having full control of our agency is hella scarry. Without following external rules, interpretations, or doctrines, we are left to our own decision making.  We get confused sometimes about what decisions are coming from Love and what are coming from fear. I believe in the laws of attraction and where we place our focus either helps or harms us. What you damn, damns you back. Damning creates separation, the major bane of humanity. I’m not saying lay down and do nothing, or only wish for things to be different. Absolutely call out atrocities; March in peace; Vote! Knowing when we start from Love anything is possible.

Back to why I was rubbing Donald Trump’s feet. My intention was for him to stay calm and allow for a peaceful transfer of power.

From the beginning of his presidency, I have sent him love and hope for heart opening. I disagree with many of his behaviors and actions and believe he is incompetent for the role he took on. He is however a master manipulator who found himself in the wrong place at the right time to perform his trickery. We are no doubt a nation divided, and he took advantage. His administration was built on racism. He lured the Christian right in by pretending to be pro-life. He promised freedom to those who could not see they were already free. He is an emperor with no clothes. And just by repeating the election was stolen, his followers believe him. Because if they didn’t it would undermine their beliefs.

As a nation we have 8 days until the inauguration. May we all send thoughts of peace and light to the white house and to those who feel disenfranchised to the point of anarchy against democracy. And may we all have compassion for those who think differently than us. I don’t miss the irony in what I’m saying. I too am pushing my bias, hoping to convince you that Love wins.

To repeat, I believe the current great work of humanity is to remember we are all One. This not easy work. We either work to bring us all together or work for exclusion. Love or Fear.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

The Waning Balsamic Moon moves toward darkness


There are rich experiences both in both shadow and light. It’s all about actively balancing our existence in the world. Stay aware of the shadow but focus on the light.



The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:83

Practical Life and Death

We continue to feed a lot of birds daily, mostly songbirds. We also have quail and pheasants. As of today, there are 2 pheasants left, down from 10. All refugees from hunting season that ended November 30th. Because of their stately presence I decided to name them. I did it based on how many are around. If there is just one it is always Chester, with 2 they are Chester and Henry, 3 are Chester, Henry and Joe, and so on…

Earlier, as I was walking toward the wetland a hawk flew low in front of me. They have been mercilessly chasing the pheasants. Sure enough, I looked to where the hawk had come from and there was a newly killed pheasant, it was Joe.

Joe lay there lifeless, and I said a little prayer for him. He was mostly intact and so beautiful; nature is the best designer. I decided to take some of his feathers so his beauty could live on. I thought the hawk might come back to finish him but he didn’t, so a few hours later I brought Joe down to the wetlands and placed him on a fence post. I thanked him for providing food for other animals and left him.

A little later as I was pruning, Chester and Henry showed up down the hill from me. I ran to get them some food. Normally if I’m outside they stay at least 30 yards away. I put down some food and Chester walked right up. I sat down and told him I was sorry for his loss. I have no idea what the consciousness of a pheasant is, they seem dense. Regardless, I believe God is in all of us, and we all deserve recognition and love.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon. The Waning Balsamic Moon moves toward darkness.


The Universe is within us. Feel the power and the glory of our connection to spirit. As we speak from our hearts, we open our minds to the power of the collective love that is the Universe.

These musings are also viewable on



The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:82

A lot has happened in the last few months both locally and globally. We are 9 Days into the new year and I’ve seen many folks wishing they’d canceled this years 7-day trial before it expired.

Practical Life

Locally on Sunshine Lane we’ve experienced lots of rain and wind events causing us to regularly clear drains and pick up of tree debris. We had 3 wind related power outages last week, but luckily we now have water when the power goes out. Our neighbor whom we share a well with put in a generator for the well. Many people on the island have generators, we don’t and are so far ok with the occasional darkness.

There is an upward wind trend. The wind summary for our area (Skunk Bay), stated 2020 had 7,530 minutes of winds over 30mph, where 2019 had 4,455, and 2018 had 3,795. Happily, we did massive tree trimming in November and the trees are flexible and strong.

In other practical news, the van got new tires, the dishwasher keeps breaking, and we started our list of what to do and buy in 2021.

Practical for the heart, I made a bunch of crafty things in prep for the holidays which felt good. Sam, Ruby and Amalia came up from Seattle for Christmas after quarantining. We had a lovely time, hanging out, playing lots of games and eating very, very, well.


I love this time of year. I like to spend the time between Jan1 and the lunar new year reflecting on the past year and thinking about the coming one. I write down both gratitude’s for the prior year and initial intentions for the current one.  This year the lunar/Chinese New Year is February 12th, always the second new moon of the year.  On that day I’ll collate all my notes and pick the intentions I want to focus on, with ways in which I will make them happen. I place them in my journal and over the year I revisit them.  My intentions always have to do with the wellbeing of my Body-Mind-Spirit. Never a new car, or face lift.

Y’all have a full month to start on your own vision quest if you want to join me.

The new year is also a great time to do a vision board, start a journal or create art.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon. Waning Moon is Balsamic.


We are intrepid travelers, chased by shadows. Release all that keep us in the past.


Look at the bounty we bring forward.
In all things great and small we see the beauty of the divine expression.
With Gratitude, always.


Be Kind

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:81

Practical Life

Last night’s moon set was divine, and today was a lovely sunny day. We went to the local coffee roaster and then for a walk in the forest. Northwest forests are heavenly, so lush and green, and full of fungi.

On the home front, Tom planted fairytale squash this year and they were prolific. Each weigh between 15-25 lbs. We still have 6 left after eating 2 and giving a few to neighbors. Most of what’s left will go to the food bank. They are beautiful, think Cinderella’s coach. And tasty too, like a delicate sweet pumpkin. I baked 17 lb. one earlier to use for a few recipes. My intention was to make a little soup for dinner and use the majority for a sweet squash butter. But… I got a little fast and loose adding thyme. In my attempts to save the soup, I kept adding more squash and broth to thin out the thyme. In the end we have 2 gallons of crappy soup, oyez. Luckily, we have plenty of squash for future butter.


On social note, I am unused to talking to people in person, (Tom doesn’t count). Yesterday I saw an ENT about a little hearing loss. They ran a rapid litany of possible reasons for the loss, nothing serious that I could surmise, but the recital went on and on. I felt like an alien with my first human encounter. My eyes glazed over and all I kept thinking about was if their sweater was cashmere. The reason I bring this up is most conversations I’ve had lately, have been with myself. This surely rings a bell with all 3 of you still reading. Some of us are going to need adult kindergarten when we transition to maskless.

Until then I am coming to terms with my will power being strong. AKA opinionated. My need to inflict my opinion and justify my position is a constant battle, in my head. Sometimes it’s directed at Tom, poor soul, but usually just me and my fictitious prey. I have endless internal arguments, proving my points. It’s exhausting. It’s likely just Covid fatigue. So, when I find myself in a dialog with myself about enlightening another part of myself that supports a differing opinion, I gently tell myself to back the f!!k off. I now understand why people usually have a nutty after 6 months in solitary.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

The waxing moon is gibbous.


All is mind.
Be kind.

These musings are also viewable on

Be Kind

Fantastic Fungi

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:80

This volume of the SO is dedicated to the fungus among us. Today I walked around the property with the intention of snapping a few pic’s of mushrooms and found a magical kingdom of at least 20 varieties.  Most are hidden blending into the landscape. All it took was pausing to look. Some are beautifully formed, some look like dog puke. There was 1 lone blue mushroom with a fuzzy stem, possibly Stropharia caerulea.

The Fungi kingdom has between 2.2 million and 3.8 million species. Did you know fungi are genetically more closely related to animals than to plants?

I created a fungus album, all taken on Sunshine Lane. There is 1 added photo from today that is not a fungus, it is gross looking, and has a tell-tale sign… 10 points for identifying it.


Watch the movie “Fantastic Fungi” It really is fantastic.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

The waxing moon increases in light moving toward Gibbous.


Be here now.
Pay attention to your breath.
With each breath give thanks to your body from your toes to our head.

Fantastic Fungi


The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:79

Practical Life

Yesterday we had massive excitement because the tree trimmers came to work on the Douglas Firs. Whenever people come with large equipment its immediate adult daycare. Those of us less useful in this situation stand around and marvel at man and machinery.

They used a truck with a 75’ boom lift. It was extended a few times, but the trees still towered over. The guy on the bucket would cut massive limbs, then perch them on the bucket as he maneuvered down to a point where he could safely drop them. Guys on the ground scurried to collect the branches into a massive pile and then tossed them into the chipper. I always think of the movie Fargo when we have a chipper onsite.  Only tree limbs were chipped yesterday, and the smell of the branches and needles was divine.

The wind moves through the trees with ease now. We love them and hope they’ll forgive us for the torture.


I love Angeles Arrien’s Four-Fold Way. The 4 points are:

  • Show up and choose to be present.
  • Pay attention to what has heart and meaning.
  • Tell the truth without blame or judgment.
  • Be open to outcome, not attached to outcome.

Often when I meditate our kitty, Pino, joins me. He snuggles on my lap purring away, bringing joy. Sometimes however he’s not quite committed. He’ll get on my lap and stand there. I’ll pet him, but he doesn’t settle down. It’s awkward for both of us and I eventually kick him off. That’s OK, he made an effort by just showing up.

Meditation can feel awkward sometimes. I’ll sit with the intention to be here now. Then find myself in another time and space just starring out the window or worse running a task list.  While it can feel frustrating, I think of the four-fold way. I’ve shown up, I see my attention is unavailable, and I have an intention I believe in. So, the frustration is from not releasing how the meditation plays out.    


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the moon. The waxing moon has reached the first quarter.


The heart is always open when we have gratitude.



The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:78

Practical Life

We took a walk on the Deer Lagoon dike today. Freaking gorgeous. Bragging photos attached.

In other news, we decided to ditch cable TV and subscribe to YouTube TV. There was a promotional offer that included a free Google TV remote. My beloved likes gadgets and so this tipped the purchasing decision. Before the remote was delivered, we used the mouse to navigate the YouTube TV interface, and it is a crappy interface with a mouse. And we’re no strangers to the 10’ mouse experience.  When the remote was delivered, my beloved spent an hour and a half getting to know it. Eventually he emerged claiming he’d neglected to read the fine print for the device which clearly stated, ”Not recommended for those over 50”. No problems on my end however. “We’ve” since mastered it. I think the overall experience through the Google TV interface is decent.


My uncle Jud died yesterday, the last of my mother’s generation in our family. He was a lovely man and always truly kind to my family. I remember him taking such good care of my aunt who needed much attention before she passed. I thanked him at the time for his devotion and care for her. He replied- my care for her is only caring for myself. That really stuck.

He is remembered fondly.

Often when someone dies comes a reflection of our own lives. Thinking about what we value and where we place our attention. Is there dissonance?

So much of the western lifestyle is about the accumulation of things and status, vs the accumulation of love and friendship. I’ve been very lucky in love and friendships. I am not afraid of death, only of the pain it might cause loved ones. In my dying moments I will hold them all dear. And my hope is that Love will travel with me to the next realm.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

Waxing toward first quarter


Consciousness is our superpower – direct it accordingly.


Welcome Love and kindness.


Human First

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:77

Practical Life

Today we celebrate our 3rd anniversary of living on Sunshine Lane. No regrets. Yay!

Fall weather is pushing our buttons. Rain, wind and cold mixed with a few sunny days. The whole island lost power last week for a day due to high winds and downed trees. We prepared today for another wind event coming tomorrow with projected sustained winds of 30 mph and 60 mph gusts. We tucked in any potential projectiles and filled every bucket with water. Not having water is the biggest bummer when the power goes out. Our shared well is close to being generator ready, but not quite. Fingers crossed the only thing we lose tomorrow is power and none of the 100’ trees near the house or garage come down.
In case you were wondering, Chester and Henry the pheasants, continue to hang out on the property while the hunters lurk just beyond the fence line. We have started feeding them. There are so many birds that frequent our feeders, a few more add to the diversity.


There is something innate in humans that has us seek to belong. This belonging can be easily manipulated by political agendas creating “us vs them” situations. A long time ago I gave up the democratic party. Not that I don’t believe in many of the principals, but because I feel belonging to a party creates divisiveness, forgetting we are humans first.  I believe in letting our voices be heard, through protest or other means. However, the idea that because we disagree on 1, 2 or even 10 things makes the other an enemy is ridiculous. Regardless of whether you agree or are in opposition to an opinion, remember, we are humans first. Most humans are not evil.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

Waxing moon increasing in light moving toward crescent.


“If you want to know your past, look at your present. If you want to know your future, look at your present” -Buddha


Welcome dreams,
and visions of beauty.

Human First