inno day 2007

Here with Manuel Pinho, Portugal's Minister of Economy and Innovation, and other Microsoft folks. I'm the one pointing.
Here with Manuel Pinho, Portugal’s Minister of Economy and Innovation, and other Microsoft folks. I’m the one pointing.

Thinking about the past…Innovation Day 2007- Living and building Europe’s digital future

Microsoft’s Innovation Day in 2007 was set in Brussels.  The event demonstrated leadership and innovation to the EU public sector and the media. The focus was on consumer safety and privacy including child safety, fraud, and game addiction. I presented 3 team vision demos and had conversations with key leaders around these topics. Scenarios presented were:

Sharing Personal Info safely
A demonstration of an experience hiring a babysitter that showed how a method of reciprocation allowed participants to safely share personal information while protecting their privacy.

Keeping our Children on Track
A prototype tablet designed for a child that had parental controls and content management built in. Scenarios showed touched on: safe communications, homework, and a game for which children performed chores in order to earn credits for technology play.

Browsing based on preferences and more
Through an online entertainment guide, we displayed content populated by a combination of filters including your preferences, tracking your history and organizations you may subscribe to. The content included: recommendations from the school based on the current curriculum, trips taken and planned, shows based on actors we’ve watched…

It was a fun trip, although spending 3 days in Europe is never enough…

inno day 2007