
The Sunshine Observer: SO… V50

It’s the 50th issue of the Sunshine Observer. How did that happen? Honestly, I thought I might write a few until I realized I could pawn my meditations off on y’all with a little practical life update and preamble.

The daily updates started on March 16th on Facebook initially calling them “News from the Country”. My reason for writing in the first place was to bring something other than politics or the virus to social media.  At that point we knew the virus was dangerous although didn’t have stay at home orders. We weren’t sure what to make of things, we’re still not sure but are getting used to the stationary chaos. We’ll probably start dating things B.C.V. Before Corona Virus since B.C. is already taken.

So here we are 50 days later. Looking at a beautiful sunshiny day. The videos are from March 16, and today. I hope you are all comforted that nature hasn’t stopped.


This is what I’m working on…

Instead of asking – what would Jesus, Buddha or Mohamad do? Embody them so there is no question about how to respond.

Our daily 5-minute meditation. Waning moon decreasing in light moving toward Disseminating.


As ambassadors of Goodwill, may the merit of our love-based practices be of benefit to all beings.


We’ve bathed in the light of the moon,
received new energy and ideas,
and now direct them toward our vision.
