Family Sunday

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V37

This morning we zoomed with family from sea to shining sea. We played a lot of games again. Ruby cut the top of my hair. She says I look like a Sesame Street character, or David Lynch, I’m keeping it pinned.

Berty still tries to escape. We keep her on a red napkin on the table when the cat is out. She mostly perches on sticks. But when she face plants, she then rights herself, clumsily, and does a combo of scooting and fluttering. This propels her in an awkward motion across the table. It looks surreal, like rowing on dry ground. She continues to get new skills, including learning to feed at the feeder. She still likes to be fed though. Tonight, I plan to set my alarm for 3 hours for feeding and see how that goes.

We made rice crispy treats then forced ourselves outside to transplant seedlings. The fresh air felt good.

Ruby leaves tomorrow, boo.


Crescent Moon

Meditation prep

As the moon continues to wax, it illuminates more of what is, including those clinging thoughts of dis-ease. Stuck like burs, imagine something stickier rolling through and taking them away… or use a flame thrower, rake, hammer… Perhaps ask why we hang on to them?
If surrendering or a truce feels better do that. Sometimes just acknowledgment, releases us from its grip.


Our shadow is part of us. It will take all our attention given the chance.
Bring on more light.
The brighter our light, the less shadow there is.


beauty in stillness
dark and light

Family Sunday