woo- woo

I just started another 10 month mystery school course. This year’s focus is: The Tree of Life: Exploring Personal Alchemy through Qabalah, Astrology, and Tarot. We’ll just be scratching the surface of Hermetic Qabalah; studying the pattern of the tree of life starting at the bottom with Malkuth/Kingdom aka Earth/Matter. Each month we’ll ascend the tree tying in tarot and astrology.

In Chinese astrology, the big themes for this year of the horse are: reciprocity, vitality, practicality, and wisdom. It’s supposed to be a good year to learn something new (what year isn’t?).  I’m interested in better understanding how the brain works- its circuitry and chemicals. I’m looking at non-traditional learning methods, for example knitting as a way of integrating patterns, and neurological pathways. I’m also looking forward to learning to cook new dishes to get better acquainted with chemistry and chemical reactions. (woo-woo)

I created the above vision board for the coming year and will add something monthly based on what I’m learning. In keeping with the knitting theme I started by weaving together images from National Geographic. I love National Geographic it has both unbelievable beauty and horror in every issue; just like everyday life.

woo- woo