onto the future

I sent my colleagues the following.

dear friends…

August 1st will be my last day at Microsoft, thanks for being a part of the journey.

Leaps of faith

At 17 I ran away from a prep school in PA to NYC. I landed on the doorstep of my best friend; luckily she was home. While I had no particular plan after my arrival I knew there were a million fantastic possibilities. It was 1976 and I was not disappointed.

Skip forward 35 years…

After 21 years at Microsoft I find myself taking another leap of faith, moving on with no particular plan and another million fantastic possibilities.

Lasting impressions

Wow. Vietnamese president Triết shook my hand on the first presidential visit to the US since the Vietnam War. President Hu Jintao bowed to me, twice. Nancy Pelosi thanked me. And there was the time I tried to get BillG to wear a propeller beany hat on stage.

You have also left a lasting impression.

You have shaped and rocked my world. Wow.

Mama Microsoft

While I still have the floor, I ask that you continue to do good work and consider the moral imperative in everything you do. Make choices that benefit humanity.

And for crying out loud, don’t postpone pleasure!

I am eternally grateful.

oxo- flora

p.s. – If you want more stories… buy me a cocktail (or make my next mortgage payment)


onto the future