
The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:96

Winter is an introspective time for many of us. From the beginning of January until the lunar new year, I enjoy dreaming about my intentions for the coming year. Along with the intentions, I review my principals and refresh my manifesto. Currently…

Start from love.

We are each an individual expression of the furnace of creation. Each with a different consciousness of our existence. We decide our story. How we think and feel about everything we encounter. We are only bound by our imagination.

Our attention is the thread of our power. When we start from love our story is beautiful, with no shadow, no opposition. When unbound by culture and what others think, we are free.

Belong to those who bring us joy and when we sing together from love our power is amplified.

This lunar new year is February 1st, the year of the Water Tiger. Tiger energy is known for leadership, strength, justice, sociability, and openness to new experiences. Combined with water: let it flow.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

Still very bright just past full, the waning moon decreases in light.


Imagine arriving at our vision, victorious.
What gifts have we brought to share with the world?


2021 was

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:95

Personal images from 2021, some good times were had.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

The waxing moon increases in light moving toward Gibbous.


We are each on a hero’s journey for our personal truth.
No other person, place or condition determines our truth.

2021 was

Keep it Together

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:94

It’s been a minute. The SO staff has been observing. Thinking about what, if anything, to write.

In review, 2021 swung wide between Joy and Despair.

Division kept dividing us. Nature showed her power. People doubled down on their beliefs… The year left kicking and screaming dragging Betty White with it.

We did have pockets of Joy. Bernie and his mitten meme’s. New views from Mars. Ted Lasso.

And, the Nation survived a coup, sort of. William Shatner made it to space, sort of. Racial inequality is equalizing, sort of, ok not really.

Most Joy reported came from that which we hold dear, family, friends, communities and blessed mother nature. Reminding us that loved ones are our everything.

On to 2022!


Siting in meditation about 2022 brought images of armor. Protect what we love. Not what we think to be right or wrong, or a battle. Be present for what we love.

Balance and center on love.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the moon.

The waning balsamic moon moves toward darkness. Tomorrow is the first new moon of the year.


There are rich experiences both in both shadow and light. Stay aware of the shadow but focus on the light. See the light within radiating out, touching everything it encounters.

Keep it Together

Snow Day!

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:93

We woke to a beautiful wooly white wonderland.

The neighbors were sledding and having a grand time. I went to hang with them thinking I might try it once, not wanting to get an unwanted chiropractic adjustment or end up in the blackberries (which they did, ouch). It was perfect! There was plenty of snow to pad the ride so I went as many times as my tired legs could handle. Then I made a snow kitty fox. It brought me right back to my childhood and sliding the big hill in front of our house in Northport. We’d slide all day until it was dark and we were called in for dinner with sopping mittens and happy hearts.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

The waxing moon increases in light moving toward Crescent.


Welcome dreams,
and visions of beauty…
and more fun snow days.

Snow Day!

Year of the OX!

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:92

Happy Lunar New Year- year of the OX!

Blessings to you all!

I spend the time between January 1st and the lunar new year pondering my intentions for the coming year. My intentions for this year are…

Stay present in the knowledge that we are All One. Each of us, unique divine expressions.
See the beauty in All that is.

Do what connects us thru.. 




and of course seeing you!



Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon.

Waxing moon increasing in light moving toward crescent


Yesterday was the new moon, time to plan for a Hero’s journey. Heroes are ready to begin again and again. They remember yet forgive their past and show up bringing their best forward, releasing attachment to what may come.

Get ready to make magic.


We bring our fire, passion, & wisdom.
We bring all that comes from Love.

Year of the OX!

Maria Ressa

The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:91

Todays SO is dedicated to Maria Ressa, a prominent journalist in the Philippines. She set out to map and shed light on the spread of disinformation and hate on social media. By doing this she became a prime target of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s war on the press and has been in and out of jail. The similarities with how disinformation spreads in the Philippines, compared to the U.S. (and the world) is bone chilling. While there is lots of info about Maria on the web, I recommend the Frontline 90-minute documentary, A Thousand Cuts. It is fascinating. Her bravery, intelligence and positivity are awe inspiring.

Question authority, and triple check information before you believe it or spread it. Unless it comes directly from love.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon. Although still quite bright, the full moon is waning.


May the merit of your love-based practices be of benefit to all beings.


We’ve bathed in the light of the moon, received new energy and ideas, and now we direct them toward our vision.

Maria Ressa


The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:90

Practical Life

We continue to prune. Today it was poplars, forever blackberries and the beautiful pussy willow that sits at the edge of the wetland.  

Meanwhile the dead microwave sits unattended to. We’re still chewing on how it will be replaced, trying not to have it turn into a full kitchen remodel.


Psychology, spirituality, philosophy, and consciousness all swirl together for me. Always thinking about the role culture plays in each, and the metaphors used in connecting concepts.

Last year my Mystery School reading was “Anatomy of the Spirit” by Caroline Myss. Her focus is healing through the chakras and how biography becomes biology. I fully enjoyed exploring the chakras.  Here’s my brief:

Everything is connected… Our Chakras are energy centers and layers of consciousness. They inform each other, our wisdom and perception of reality.

  1. Root chakra- Our connection to tribal culture
  2. Sacral chakra- Our relationships
  3. Solar Plexus- Our external personal power
  4. Heart- Our emotional power and internal relationship
  5. Throat- Our will power/opinion/voice
  6. Third Eye- The power of our mind
  7. Crown- Our spiritual connection

Every Chakra has potential weights created by *attachment to our judgments. The Fifth Chakra brings these to light as we examine our will and lower Chakras. Surrendering our will frees us from our attachments, allowing for new sight.

At the Sixth Chakra, we choose what to draw from in creating our wisdom. Again, we pull our knowledge, experience, and judgment from the lower chakras.

When we release judgements, we begin to realize the freedom to expand our experience and rise in our spiritual evolution. The more we release, the clearer we see there are only ever 2 choices, Love and fear. Everything else is cultural bias.

Without attachments, fear is not possible.

The seventh chakra is our connection and integration with the spiritual realm. The Love and light of spirit comes into our crown chakra and is shared with all chakras below. Through the devotion of pure Love for all that exists, we connect with the Universe and feel our oneness.

*- attachments, judgment, will, opinion, perspective… are all the same.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon. The waxing moon increases in light moving toward full.


Move into your heart, there is no shadow there, no cruelty just Love. Basque in your Love.
Seriously, spend 5 minutes experiencing your Love.



The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:89

Practical Life

I was feeling righteous all afternoon because I fixed the microwave. The door stopped latching causing it to not function. After an hour of fiddling, I was able to pull the latching mechanism forward with needle nose pliers.

While righteous, I pruned the contorted filbert. It’s a gorgeous and gnarly looking tree. I pruned it up about 3 feet. Next summer it will have a skirt of cascading leaves that create a magical cave.

My righteousness was short lived as the microwave broke again after only 4 door openings. My attempts to fix it again failed, Sigh. Tom inquired at the appliance store about fixing it, and they don’t.  They do sell new ones for $600 and $200 to install. It’s 3 years old, Sigh.  


As I was pruning, I thought about the word righteous realizing there was nothing morally correct about my fixing the microwave. And that when I use the word it is always the informal definition, and all about ego. I love how words can put things into perspective. And how things of the ego are often short lived.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon. The waxing moon increases in light, tomorrow it will be Gibbous.

No other person, place or condition should determine our righteousness.  



The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:88

It’s a silly thing really, but as I was massaging my social media last night, I kept cracking up at all of the Bernie meme’s. They left me joyous.

On the surface it’s a bunch of silliness, but there is something deeper here. 2 days prior we would not have been ready. We were all very tense and holding our breath. I didn’t realize until the explosion how much I missed humor like this. The kind that isn’t political or defaming anyone. Thanks to all you creative souls for the levity, this is medicine we all needed.

Humor helps bring unity.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon. The waxing moon increases in light is almost Gibbous.


With each breath, give thanks to the joys of life.



The Sunshine Observer: SO… V:87

I cried when I saw the fireworks display at the nation’s capital last night. I could feel a weight being lifted.

I never felt inclusion with our last president, you were in his club or not. Black or white. But I still sent him love. I consciously tried to stay away from the divisive drama and chaos, knowing love does not care about drama. Knowing where I place my attention brings that thing closer to me.

With our new president, some are happy, some not. It is what it is. Am I going to agree with every action of the new administration, not likely. I will however send them love.

Biden’s current ask of the people is unity. I am all in for unity.  Our great work as a human collective is to remember we are all one. Everything we do should be in service to that.


Onto our 5-minute meditation following the phases of the Moon. Waxing moon increasing in light toward gibbous.


Our theme today is “Welcome and Release”. Welcome your best intentions with no attachment to how they show up. Listen carefully to your higher will, surrender to change for the best and highest good. Release what was.

Please do the following, when done with an open heart it feels amazing.

Meditation and Exercise

Imagine, your beautiful future in front of you. See the joy, the love, and wellbeing. Now step into that vision, become that vision.
